what is rainy season in tanzania

what is rainy season in tanzania

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The rainy season in Tanzania typically occurs between March/April and May/June, and then again between October and December. However, the exact timing and duration of the rainy season can vary depending on the region within Tanzania.

In the northern coastal areas of Tanzania, the rainy season usually occurs from March to June, while in the southern regions, the rainy season can last from November to April. In the central regions of Tanzania, the rainy season typically occurs from November to May.

During the rainy season, Tanzania experiences heavy rainfall and thunderstorms, which can lead to flooding and landslides in some areas. The rainy season can also make some roads and bridges impassable, and some parks and reserves may be closed due to safety concerns. However, the rainy season also brings new growth and greenery to the landscape, which can make for some stunning scenery and great wildlife viewing opportunities

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